We proudly announce that SIMLAB received SEAL OF EXCELLENCE for SIM-ON Home operating system. This is European Commission quality label for first-class innovative projects worthy of investment.

Giving us this certification is a clear sign of the quality of our product. A detailed analysis by the commission has confirmed the innovative nature of the concept and the wide range of application possibilities. This is another proof for our partners, Matterport and KNX, that we have taken the right direction together to develop a product that has become a complete, unique solution in the market.

The Seal of Excellence is a quality label awarded by the Commission to proposals which has been assessed in a call for proposals under a Union instrument and are deemed to comply with the quality requirements of that Union instrument but could not be funded due to budgetary constraints. These projects are judged to deserve funding and might receive support from other Union or national sources of funding.

The Seal of Excellence certificate recognises the value of the proposal and helps other funding bodies take advantage of the high quality Commission evaluation process.

The Seal of Excellence certificate indicates basic information on the proposal, the call and the proposer. It demonstrates political commitment by displaying the signatures of the Commissioners. It is unique and safe. It is digitally sealed against fraud, as is the project proposal and evaluation summary report.