STAGES new product page

STAGES has a new product page!

We invite you to check the new layout of STAGES’ website, where you will find in a nutshell a clear description of our platform:·       Key features overview·       Tutorials for beginners·       Demonstration projects available without login·       Current subscription plans linked to the new identity pageand more. Go to today!Test our platform in the free version!If you are ready to work with…

SIM-ON & NETX Automation

Digital Twin next-generation BMS for all NETx customers

NETxAutomation and SIMLAB have joined forces to integrate software packages and bring you the next-generation BMS system. SIM-ON platform empowers NETxAutomation system with innovative DigitalTwin technology. NETxAutomation software gained spatial coverage based on a top-notch reality capture standard delivered by global leader Matterport. SIM-ON works on top of these realistic, navigable 360 spaces, transforming traditional…


SIM-ON platform for KNX professionals

We recommend our digital twin IoT solution for remote control of KNX systems, in the navigable, 3D interface, with instant access via browser.  In 2022, SIM-ON was chosen by KNX Association as an official KNX IoTech solution, becoming the first interface in connection of KNX native systems with the Internet of Things. In addition, SIM-ON…

STAGES Special Easter Promotion 2023

Special easter promotion in STAGES!

30 days of free access to the STAGES platform in the Small Business plan! A glimpse of STAGES powered by Matterport potential for your renovation project: Take part in Easter Promotion now, by registering through a dedicated form. From the moment of registration, you will get free access to the Small Business plan for one…

Webinar for FIBARO users in Poland
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Webinar for FIBARO users in Poland

If you would like to learn how effective and useful the SIM-ON platform is in controlling your system, join us on 02.03. for a webinar organized with FIBARO Poland. Registration link: You can read about the beginnings of SIM-ON integration into the FIBARO environment in the FIBARO newsroom (content in Polish): Do wszystkich użytkowników FIBARO w Polsce! Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się…

SIM-ON at IOT Solution World Congress 2023

SIM-ON is coming back to fairs in Barcelona!

SIM-ON is coming back to ISE fairs in Barcelona joining KNX Association within IoT Solutions World Congress! From January 31st to February 2nd Barcelona will gather the brightest minds in the industry and the biggest global tech companies. The best place to learn about trends in disruptive technologies. SIMLAB is once again at ISE, presenting…

Public Link for sharing project

Show your project’s steps in STAGES by sending a public link.

Generate a link in an easy way and share the project with other stakeholders: subcontractors, customers, investors, and your team members. The generated link allows them to view all stages of the project, without registration to the platform. This is instant web access to check project status, without its edition. However, Time-line and Compare view…

1000 USERS
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Happy New Year to our 1000 users!

We did it !!!Since we launched in Sept 2022 we gained 1.000 registered users still in 2022.This motivates us to constant innovation and more features we will bring you for STAGES and SIM-ON in the next successful year. All the best to all of you in 2023!Today and tomorrow we celebrate. The next milestone in…

SIMLAB at the BIG5

SIMLAB with Total Automation at BIG5 in Dubai!

The Big 5 – Global Hub for the Construction Industry – brings the entire portfolio of building materials, construction products, and solutions together under one roof. Manufacturers, suppliers, traders and service providers from Middle East Asia, Europe and the Americas would be showcasing thousand of advanced technologies and solutions. Looks like a perfect place to…

日本の Matterportサービス プロバイダー向けのご紹介ウェビナー・Webinar for Matterport Service Providers in Japan 13.12.2022

日本の Matterportサービス プロバイダー向けのご紹介ウェビナー・Webinar for Matterport Service Providers in Japan 13.12.2022

We will be hosting a webinar highlighting the joint Matterport and SIMLAB solutions recently made available to all Matterport customers. Please find the details of the event below (Japanese only). このたび、最近Matterport社のすべてのお客様が利用できるようになったのMatterport社とSIMLAB社の共同ソリューションをご紹介するウェビナーを開催する運びとなりました。 Matterport社に詳しい専門家を招いて、SIM-ONおよびSTAGESソリューションの利用方法などを解説する予定です。ご協力の可能性も詳しくご説明致します。ウェビナーは日本語で行われます。 SIM-ON は、IoT および自動制御、アセット管理および施設管理モジュールをご提供するプロパティ オペレーティング システムです。 STAGES で建物構造の変化を追跡できます。プロジェクト、メンテナンス、改修を監督し、同じ施設の複数の Matterportモデルを使用して Matterport Time-Line を視覚化して施設の老朽化を監視可能です。 <ウェビナー概要> タイトル:日本の Matterport サービス プロバイダー向けの紹介ウェビナー 内容:Matterport社とSIMLAB社の共同ソリューションのご紹介 講師紹介:Stanek Marta (スタネク・マルタ) 開催日時:令和 4 年12月13日(火)午後4時(日本時間)…